
Kids Quest
Kids Quest is our mid-week gathering for preschool through 6th grade. Each Wednesday evening, children gather in the gym to play exciting games and listen as the Bible is portrayed in a manner that captures their imagination and heart. Lots of smiles can be seen when Kids Quest children test their knowledge during periodic quiz bowl challenges. Your child will love Kids Quest, it's the place to be on Wednesday nights!
Youth Ignite
Ignite Youth is an exciting, age appropriate, experience for our teens. Teenagers gather together in various environments and are led by Bradley Levatino, Youth Pastor, and several dedicated volunteers.

Adult Ministries
Our adult ministry encourages adults to join together and participate in activities and fellowships that foster spiritual growth and health. In addition to our Sunday services and Wednesday morning prayer gatherings, we also enjoy weekly small group Bible studies throughout the week.
Our Senior adults meet quarterly for a special time of fellowship and fun which always includes a great meal! We enjoy reaching out to our community by extending an open invitation to family, friends, and anyone else interested in joining our fellowship.
Each year, we enjoy participating in our Shoebox Ministry where we gather items during the year to fill and wrap shoeboxes for needy children. This is just one way that we partner with missionaries to provide for those in need. Our adults are truly the hands and feet of Jesus!